Sled Mats for the Young at Heart
Our Own Brand
Perhaps our best-known product is the Froztyfox sled mat, which we developed on our own. Every year, tens of thousands are produced from waterproof PVC fabric, welded together, filled with foam, and fitted with eyelets. It’s no surprise it’s been a hit—it’s simply a lot of fun to ride!
Froztyfox might be the most accessible winter product you can find—just a small hill, some snow, and time to play, and people of all ages can have endless fun!
Göran Wärdell, Tekonf
One of Tekonf’s most important products is sled mats for children and adults alike, essentially anyone with a youthful spirit. These sled mats are of the highest quality and are CE-marked—of course, as they are indeed toys. The mats are sold under the brands of retail chains or as Froztyfox, Tekonf’s own sled mat brand.
The origin of the sled mat idea is somewhat unclear, but it developed in northern Sweden as a byproduct of other PVC production—just for fun and because it was possible.
“To be honest, I was unsure for a long time whether we should continue producing them as a spontaneous byproduct,” says Göran Wärdell at Tekonf.
User-Safe Products
However, it turned into an investment in developing the industrial production of sled mats, with well-considered dimensions for both production and distribution, more careful material choices, and a structured sales process.
“Since the sled mats are classified as toys, we’ve really embraced the requirements that come with it—the PVC, for example, is free of phthalate plasticizers, CE-marked, and approved for toys. We’ve also added reflective strips so that the mat is visible in winter. For us, user safety is crucial, especially since children are the primary users of these sled mats.”
Sales Across the Country
The sled mats are produced in various sizes—from the smallest seat pad to a two-meter mat that can carry a whole group down the hill. What began as a fun extra product has now become an essential part of Tekonf’s business.
“Our mats are sold in several chains like Biltema, Jula, Clas Ohlson, Stadium, GeKås, and Bauhaus. Most of these retailers market the sled mats under their own brands, but they come from us,” says Göran. “Our sled mats are sold across the country, and we also export quite a bit to Central Europe under the Froztyfox brand.”